EOS Aremas Belgium SA/NV
Phone: +32 (0)2 5080 233
Fax: +32 2 5080 380
Opening hours:
Monday - Friday: 8:15 am - 5:00 pm
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Your questions. Our answers.
We are a debt collection agency.
EOS Aremas has written or called you because you have unpaid debt from a company. Either we were instructed to collect the debt on their behalf, or we bought the debt from the company. It is our job to find, if possible, an amicable solution that allows the repayment of the debt, and this in the interest of all parties.
If we have contacted you, it is because you have an unpaid debt from a company from which we have been mandated or from whom we have purchased your debt. We will work with you to find a payment solution. However, if you believe that the debt is not due or you are unable to pay, please contact one of our employees who will handle your request. The telephone number is stated on the letter you received from us.
Not responding is the worst. If you believe that the fault is not justified, you can file a complaint by sending us an e-mail. The address can be found in our correspondence. We recommend that you bring as many elements as possible so that your dispute can be dealt with quickly and efficiently.
We are delighted that you are considering making your payment and thank you for it. Do you want to pay off your debt in full? Go to your personal space (my.eos-aremas.com). Don't forget to use your access code that appears on our correspondence. Do you want to agree on a payment plan? Please contact one of our employees on the telephone number mentioned in our correspondence and always have the file reference at hand.
We're sorry, but our staff is here to help you and find a solution. Call us on the number indicated on our letters and provide your reference so that we can find a solution together. Also know that you can always contact debt counseling services or social services. Here is the link to it: https://economie.fgov.be/fr/themes/services-financiers/credit-la-consommation/adresses-utiles & https://observatoire-credit.be/fr & https://www.mediationdedettes.be/
If you don't want to pay, there is certainly a reason for that. We invite you to contact us to inform us further so that we can better understand your refusal to pay. Contact details can be found on our correspondence. We recommend that you bring a maximum of elements and supporting documents so that your dispute can be dealt with quickly and effectively.
Unfortunately, when the contractual monthly payments are not followed on time, the terms of the contract have not been respected, a fixed fee is therefore due to the company concerned, as stated in the general terms and conditions that you signed when the contract was opened. Statutory interest is also payable for non-payment. The terms and conditions of the contract determine what fixed fee and what interest can be charged to you. It is therefore important to find a quick solution to the payment of the debt.
If you don't make your monthly payments on time, you're not respecting the contract terms. Therefore, you will owe a fixed fee. Interest is also due upon termination of the contract. Late payment interest is also due in the event of non-payment. The general terms and conditions of the contract determine what fixed fee and what interest can be charged to you. If you do not respond to the payment reminders, the creditor has the right to initiate legal proceedings in court and his lawyer can go to court to obtain a judgment. The resulting costs can then be charged to the debtor. It is therefore important to find a quick solution to the payment of the debt.
You can search the internet for more information about a company. Legitimate companies are often members of professional federations that set the standards of the sector. EOS Aremas, in Belgium, is a member of the Belgian Association for Debt Collection Companies (ABR-BVI). If you are still unsure, you can contact a customer advice center or a debtor advice center for help.
Yes, that is possible. If you have received a text message from us, it is because we need to reach you. You can reply via email or phone. It's the same if you receive an email from us. Our SMS contains a phone number to contact us. In all cases, please indicate the reference of your file that appears on our correspondence. You can also connect via your personal space my.eos-aremas.com with your access code (also mentioned on our correspondence).
We appreciate your willingness to pay your debt and thank you for it. From the moment the original company hands over a file to EOS Aramas, we become responsible for the recovery of the debt and any other action. It must be paid directly to EOS Aramas. To proceed with the payment, log in via your personal space my.eos-aremas.com with your access code (available on our correspondence).
Don't worry, we'll find a solution! Please contact our services as soon as possible to explain why you do not agree. If you do have to pay, the collection process will continue.
We will do everything we can to help you and we invite you to contact us through the details indicated on our mail. We may also refer you to debt counselling services or social services. Here is the link to it: https://economie.fgov.be/nl/themas/financiele-diensten/consumentenkrediet/nuttige-adressen
For most debts, we can accept a payment plan, which is a payment spread over several months. We invite you to contact us using the details indicated on our letter in order to find together a solution adapted to your situation.
Check if your payment is listed on my.eos-aremas.com Click on "Final payments" to check the number of registered payments. • After three working days you still can't find your payment ? Send us a receipt via a legible account statement (or PC banking screenshot) showing the amount paid, the payment date, the reference used and the account number from which and for which you made the payment. A transfer order is not sufficient as proof of payment.
The answer to this question can be found in your personal space (my.eos-aremas.com). Don't forget to use your access code that appears on all our correspondence.
Ask your social assistant to contact us at the telephone number indicated in our letters.
• Send us a copy of the decision with the date of acceptance (court decision) and contact details of your debt mediator. • The acceptance letter can be sent to supportctx@eos-aremas.com
We are delighted that you are interested in joining us: Look here for the vacancies https://be.eos-solutions.com/nl/career
If you would like to see our possible services, you can go here : https://be.eos-solutions.com/nl/companies/aremas
That's good news! To pay by bank transfer, you will find our bank details on our letters. Don't forget to mention the structured communication or otherwise your file number.
Please check the last email or letter received, your access code will be listed in it.
We invite you to contact one of our employees via the telephone number indicated on our letters.
I suggest you check if your payment has been received on my.eos-aremas.com. Don't forget to bring your access code from our letters. Click on "Last payments" to check the last registered payments. • Has your payment still not been received after 3 days? Then send us a clear proof of payment. A clear proof of payment is a legible account statement (or a screenshot of PC banking) showing the amount paid, the payment date, the reference used, and the account number from which and to which you made the payment. Please note that a transfer order is not sufficient as proof of payment.
Our telephone exchange is open from Monday to Thursday from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. We are only available by phone and/or email. It is not possible to speak to us at the office.
Your file number is on all our letters.
We are pleased to hear that you have expressed interest in our services. We recommend that you contact our sales department: https://be.eos-solutions.com/nl/companies/aremas
The registration of data at the National Bank helps to combat the over-indebtedness of consumers. Lenders must consult with the central exchange before granting a new credit. Debt mediators also have access to this data. When you signed your consumer credit, the lender communicated your identity and information about your credit to the CCP (within two working days). The lenders also inform the central office in the event of default on one of your loans (within eight working days after the arrears have been determined).
You are registered with the Central Individual Credit Register if you are a debtor or co-debtor of a loan. If you have signed as a guarantor, you will not be registered with the CCP.
No, the following are recorded: credit transactions for private purposes such as forward sales, term loans, leasing and mortgage loans; credit facilities for private purposes such as credit by card (credit cards, cards offered by retailers or credit lines)
If you normally repay your credit, the data withdrawn will be automatically deleted three months and eight days after the end of your credit agreement; However, if your credit is in default, the registration is up to 10 years. However, you can regularise your situation by repaying all the arrears, and you will then be listed at the Central Register as having been regularised for one year from the date of regularisation. After this period, the record is automatically erased. To settle your file, please contact us by email: supportctx@eos-aremas.com, call 02/508 02 33 or surf on https://my.eos-aremas.com/.
Yes, but only for data stored in your name. No fee is required for consultation. Consultation can be done in different ways: The fastest way to do this is via https://www.nbb.be/fr (either via your e-card or the itsme app). You must then attach a copy of your double-sided identity card by post, addressed to: National Bank of Belgium – Central des crédits aux particuliers, Boulevard de Berlaimont 14, 1000 Brussels. In person at the NBB counters, with your identity card: Boulevard Berlaimont 3, 1000 Brussels.
The best way is to contact us by phone at the number indicated on our letters, during working hours (Monday to Thursday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.), using your file number (to be entered at the beginning). Monday is often a busy day, so call us Tuesday through Thursday for less waiting.
Sure. We are sorry to hear this but let’s find out, together, what went wrong. Contact us : write an email or a letter, call us, visit our offices. If you have already filed a complaint with our services to which you have not obtained satisfaction or have not had a response within a reasonable time, you can submit a complaint to the Ombudsfin (link to complaint introduction) or the ABR BVI (link to complaint ABR).
Here is the link to : Adresses utiles | SPF Economie and Observatoire du crédit et de l'endettement and Accueil
That's good news! To pay by bank transfer, you will find our bank details on our letters. Don't forget to mention the structured communication or otherwise your file number.
Please check the last email or letter received, your access code will be listed in it.
We invite you to contact one of our employees via the telephone number indicated on our letters.